Charities we support
Since 2010, we are proud to have given an annual contribution to the work of the Kianh Foundation, a small grass-roots charity based in the UK which addresses the drastic need for improved health and education services for disabled children and adults living in the Quang Nam province of Central Vietnam – an area heavily bombed during the war. Lua sponsors the education and daily care of Ouy, a 14 year boy with Cerebral Palsy who attends the Dien Ban Day Centre. Ouy is happy and loving life at the school. The children were recently taken on a trip to a resort in South Vietnam (2021), the first time many have been away from home. He is building new relationships, making friends, and his speech and confidence are improving. For more information, please visit www.kianh.org.uk
Our ranges are inspired by nature and we are delighted to be in our 5th year of partnering with Rewilding Britain. 10% of the sale price on selected, key wildlife-themed ranges (View here) on this website each season, will be donated towards their vital work aiming to return large parts of Britain back to its natural state and encouraging the return of wildlife. Rewilding Britain urgently wants to see an expansion of nature’s recovery across Britain, restoring and connecting up areas of rich natural habitat across at least 30% of Britain’s land and seas by 2030. Since 2020, Lua has contributed £20,448.44 to this wonderful organisation.
For more information about Rewilding Britain, please visit www.rewildingbritain.org.uk.